Question: Who is more powerful, Jesus or Satan?
Jesus, without doubt, which you will find recorded in the Bible, (which I hope you read prayerfully)!
At present, Jesus is positioned “at God’s Right Hand” awaiting the time when He will return to Earth!
Also at present, Satan has sway on Earth, which will only last until he has used up the freedom and scope that Almighty God has allowed him, to use his “free-will” to try to outmanoeuvre Almighty God, to “be as God”!
The current events in the Mid-East; are a sign that Satan’s time is getting short; and as Israel becomes more pressured by its enemies; the decisive time of Christ Jesus’ return is getting close!
As you needed to ask the question; I recommend that you look up all the inverted commas above, to see for yourself (prayerfully)!!
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